
orzo+broccoli pesto salad

I couldn't resist. I had to try a recipe from the book right away. And post it here with a picture of the dish (even though I don't have a new camera yet; the picture was taken by my iPhone). And since I'm in a hurry (going to Tahoe tomorrow), I copied and pasted the recipe from another blog I love http://sproutedkitchen.com that posted the same recipe a few days ago. It was delicious! Even my two daughters, who don't like broccoli, loved it. However, for them I didn't put broccoli florets and avocado on top.

super natural every day

I pre-ordered it a few weeks ago. Just got it today. I'm talking about "Super Natural Every Day", by Heidi Svanson (author of one of my favorites blogs: www.101cookbooks.com). So inspiring. Love it.

3-seed bread

Thankfully I still have some nice pictures and recipes to share. Like this one. It's only a variation of the Tassajara Bread I've already written about here. But it is worth to mention again. The recipe is 100% trustful. 



I left my beloved camera in a shuttle last week end in NY. And obviously, never saw it again. I feel empty, lonely. Really. I'll be quieter than ever on this blog until my beloved husband (do you hear me, amore mio?) will forgive me for my negligence and buy me another camera (I'd like the exact same one, honey!)